Contest Rules

As participant to the Beta-Test of our application Z-Kur, you have the possibility to participate to our contest.

PIKO-TECHNOLOGIES SA, a Belgian limited liability company, registered with the Crossroads bank for enterprises under company number 0687.897.472, having its registered offices at Avenue Paul Hymans 126, 1200 Brussels, Belgium (hereinafter “Piko-Tech”) is the organizer of the contest.

The contest is only open to participants to the Beta-Test who completed the Beta-Test questionnaire and who are at least 18 years old. Participation to the contest is without purchase obligation.

These Contest rules are available on our website. By participating to the contest, each participant unconditionally and fully accepts the present Contest rules.

The contest will take place from Monday 15th of April, 8AM, until Sunday 30th of June, midnight, Dublin Time (“Contest Period”).

Three (3) winners will be designated, on the basis of the three (3) best scores obtained by answering to the contest questions.

In the event of a tie, the winners will be -

  • in first instance, those who gave the closest answer to our tie-breaking question (i.e. “How many people took part in the Beta Test on June 30, 2024, midnight Dublin time?”)
  • in second instance, if necessary, selected at random.

The three winners will be contacted by email within seven business days after the end of the contest Period.

Each winner will receive a tablet (iPad 9th generation or Android equivalent with e.g. Lenovo or Samsung, with a maximum value of EUR 400), sent by postal or courier service.

Piko-Tech reserves the right to modify the contest rules or to cancel the contest for reasons of force majeure, without this giving rise to any right to damages or interest whatsoever for participants or winners of the contest.

Piko-Tech also reserves the right to replace a prize with an equivalent one in the event of force majeure.

Except in the case of gross negligence or intentional misconduct on their part, neither Piko-Tech nor any third party involved in the contest shall be held liable for any damage or be held liable for any damage of any kind arising from the organization of the contest.

Except in the case of gross negligence or wilful misconduct on their part, neither Piko-Tech, nor the members of its staff, nor the third parties involved for the purposes of the contest may be held liable for any difficulties, including technical difficulties, that may arise in connection with the organization of the contest. be held responsible for any difficulties, including technical, that may arise in connection with the contest, and that may cause the contest to be interrupted or delayed, or cause any alteration or loss of a participant's data.

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2 Apr | 2024

We are launching our Bêta-Test for three months in Ireland

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