Make It Good Movement

In Z-Kur, we are supporting the #MakeItGood movement.

In 21st century, it is all of us duty to try to make it good. For ecology, for Human Beings, for the planet, ... We shouldn't expect our children to manage our concerns!

In Z-Kur, of course, the first thing we're going to do is completely secure our customers' privacy, because that's the best way to maximise their chances of being saved and that’s our only wish!

However, there is much more to do.

Ensuring that our customers are safe with automated detection of incidents, that children or adults who disappeared are recovered as rapidly as possible, that our users are properly trained for emergency situations, that each country is able to provide some PSAP (Public Safety Answering point, or 911, 112, …) services to its citizen, and of course, that these PSAP services are challenged to maintain an excellent level.

These are parts of our duty in Z-Kur to make it good.

Particularly, we definitely trust in our Medicine and its innovations. However, in many countries, the latest technologies are still not being used to optimize the lives of our citizens in emergency situations. For example, in Europe, only 50% of states use AML (advance mobile location) to locate a caller.

There is therefore no point in hoping for the time being to share our medical data from one country to another, whether that country is developed or not, in order to protect any foreign national on a private or business trip, if no one can guarantee that this data will be used by the teams in the field and that it will remain confidential.

Standardization of care must be implemented by now in all countries of the world.

However, if the solution is political in some developed countries, it must involve the establishment of a technological and human infrastructure in developing countries. One of our missions, in Z-Kur, will therefore be to help developing countries to create PSAP in order to receive emergency calls in an optimal way and send the most appropriate rescue teams.

We will therefore share any useful knowledge to developing countries in order to help to optimize care in any country in the world.

To help our own citizen, our friends, our beloved ones travelling to foreign countries or "simply" to help the locals to be saved in the best way.

Because each minute count to save us and reduce the risk of severe injuries!

There is no frontier, we are all of the same World!


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2 Apr | 2024

We are launching our Bêta-Test for three months in Ireland

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